In a bid to woo buyers, Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India (CREDAI) launched two new web portals, and on Friday. The portals were launched by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin. is a direct WhatsApp-based portal which connects the home buyer directly to CREDAI developers in Chennai. helps to source a wide range of services from manufacturers, dealers, lawyers, auditors, design architects and is an one-stop solution for every kind of real estate requirement. will support the MSME sector to enhance their business online.
Meanwhile, according to a report which was released recently, new supply registered a decline of 23 per cent in the second quarter of 2021 as compared to the same period last year. The report stated that Porur, Siruseri, Tiruvallur, Pallikaranai and East Tambaram saw maximum new supply.
On the demand side, with only 709 units sold, Chennai registered a 46 per cent year-on-year decline and 84 per cent quarter-on-quarter dip. The report said that localities of Pallikaranai, Pallavaram, Perumbakkam, Padur in Chennai South and Mogappair in Chennai West dominated the sales. Of the total sales, 40 per cent was concentrated in the `45-75 lakh price bracket.
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